Monday, March 26, 2012

Grouping Data Based On Return From Stored Procedure

I'm having some difficulty getting the appropriate results for my scenerio. I have two different datasets that I'm using. One is consisting of two joined tables and the other consisting of one sp. The sp's parameters rely on two things- one is the companyNum (inputed when the user runs the report) and two is the ContactNumType. The ContactTypeNum comes from the dataset of tables. I need to have a table consisting of this format:

ContactNumType1 (From the Tables)
File_Name1 (From the sp)
File_Name4 (From the sp)
File_Name3 (From the sp)

ContactNumType2 (From the Tables)
File_Name2 (From the sp)
File_Name7(From the sp)

ContactNumType3 (From the Tables)
File_Name5 (From the sp)

ContactNumType4 (From the Tables)
File_Name6 (From the sp)

File_Name10 (From the sp)
File_Name8(From the sp)
File_Name9 (From the sp)

So essentially what is going on is that every returned File_Name is grouped based upon the type of ContactNumType. My table returns the appropriate ContactNumTypes and the appropriate number of File_Names but returns only the first File_Name for each row. The File_Names should only grouped by the ContactTypeNums and each be unique. Is there any way to do that?

Edited: I still am trying to work this out. I've tried a few run-arounds but none have worked. Adding custom code apparently is too risky at this point because of the security precautions that I've been instructed to take. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this project has been going on for days now....

If I understand you correctly, the problem here is that the argument to the procedure needs come from the results of your two-table join. Question: Are you running SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2000? If you are running SQL Server 2005, I would suggest converting your stored procedure into a table function (if possible). If you can do this, then you will be able to use a CROSS APPLY join and pass the arguments to the newly written function based on the results of your two table join.|||The solution involved creating a new stored procedure combining the table dataset and the stored procedure. The one dataset made it much easier to directly throw each dynamic field into a row.

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