Monday, March 26, 2012

Grouping for Sum

My query:

SELECT Ticket.Barrels, Lease.[RRC Lease Number], Lease.[Lease Name], Lease.[Field Name], Lease.OperatorID, Lease.OilGasOther, Lease.District,
Operator.[Operator Name], SUM(Ticket.Barrels) AS Expr1
Lease ON Ticket.LeaseID = Lease.LeaseID) INNER JOIN
Operator ON Lease.OperatorID = Operator.OperatorID)
WHERE (Ticket.SWDNumber = ?) AND (Ticket.TicketDate BETWEEN ? AND ?)
GROUP BY Ticket.Barrels, Lease.[RRC Lease Number], Lease.[Lease Name], Lease.[Field Name], Lease.OperatorID, Lease.OilGasOther, Lease.District,
Operator.[Operator Name]
HAVING (Lease.District = ?) AND (Lease.OilGasOther = ?)

I would like to produce a table as follows:

RRC Number - Lease Name - Field Name -Sum of Barrels

0001 - Lease1 - Field1 - 120

0002 - Lease1 - Field3 - 340

0002 - Lease2 - Field3 - 120

Instead I have some of the data on several rows:

0001 - Lease1 - Field1 - 70

0001 - Lease1 - Field1 - 50

0002 - Lease1 - Field3 - 40

0002 - Lease1 - Field3 - 300

and so on ....

What am I doing wrong?

You need to clean up both the select columns and group by columns. I can see the Ticket.Barrels coumn included in both select and group by which is the reason for what you got. Try another on with this column and other unnecessary columns.
SELECT Lease.[RRC Lease Number], Lease.[Lease Name],

Lease.[Field Name], SUM(Ticket.Barrels) AS 'Sum of Barrels'
Lease ON Ticket.LeaseID = Lease.LeaseID) INNER JOIN
Operator ON Lease.OperatorID = Operator.OperatorID)
WHERE (Ticket.SWDNumber = ?) AND (Ticket.TicketDate BETWEEN ? AND ?)

BY Lease.[RRC Lease Number], Lease.[Lease Name],

Lease.[Field Name]
HAVING (Lease.District = ?) AND (Lease.OilGasOther = ?)

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