Sunday, February 26, 2012

Group By Clause Limitation

Code is:
case when ItemCode is null then '-'
else ItemCode
case when sum(RecdQty) is null then '-'
else sum(RecdQty)
from ItemMaster where ItemCode='V001' group by ItemCode

Problem Statement:
If query is not getting any records for above mentioned condition, then I want zero to be displayed if datatype is int (i.e. for sum(RecdQty) field) and '-' to be diplayed if datatype is varchar (i.e. for ItemCode field).
In this situation, "ItemCode is null" and "sum(RecdQty) is null" conditions are not been utilised.
Is this a limitation of case or group by clause?No, this is not a limitation of SQL at all, it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. Please see my explanation from the last time you asked this question by clicking here ( If that explanation isn't clear or sufficient, please continue the discussion in that thread instead of starting new threads.

-PatP|||Consider this

select count(*) from master..sysdatabases
where 1=2

will return 0. But

select count(*) from master..sysdatabases
where 1=2
group by status

return no records

Now you want a specific ItemCode. There is no need for the group by

select isnull(min(ItemCode),'-')
from ItemMaster
where ItemCode='V001'

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