Friday, February 24, 2012

Group by + 30

I want to run a select query with a group by like:

Select MyText, MyDate
From atest
Group By MyText, MyDate

However I want to group each "MyText" with the Min(MyDate) and Min(MyDate) + 30 days.

So for example I want to select 3 records with the same "MyText" value and the 3 records have MyDate values of 01/01/2005, 01/10/2005 and 03/01/2005 I would return 2 records because the first record would be grouped with the first 2 dates with the first date showing and the second record would be only 03/01/2005 because it didn't fall within 30 days.

How may I accomplish this?You probably want


If you read the sticky at the top we could probably help you better|||I think he is going to need a cursor or a loop for this, since the value of each MIN() operation seems to be dependent upon the value of all the prior MIN() operations.

A very odd request. What is the purpose?|||U2FUNNY

That would mean every row could be part of 30 different result sets...which would be meaningless...|||I think his process is:
1) Find the minimum value.
2) Group all values in the next 30 days with it.
3) Find the next minum value that has not been included in a group.

I don't see how this could be done without a loop, as it is a non-linear algorithm.|||Yes, Blindman is correct in the approach. There actually other fields that will get added in so it makes more sense later. But I describe it with these 2 fields to make it easier to explain.|||If you would kindly read the sticky at the top of the forum and post some examples it would be a big the manner that the sticky says...

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